martes, 30 de abril de 2019

About shadow work

So, what I learnt from Universe was that I have to forgive.
But not only forgive, but being grateful.

And here is where the travel begins.

The situation I had with my former schoolmate was just only one of many situations we all have in our lives.

You know when something triggers some dark part of you, and you over-react, so no one understands you, or everyone says you are being dramatic?

Those are your shadows.

The manifestation of a symptom, the parts of your personality that you rejected during your life (mostly your childhood) and banish to your subconscious. Those parts will emerge out of control when something triggers them.

Like when you are an adult, constantly seeking for love, having toxic relationships, or wining to your husband because you need him to be more affectionate or love-expressing.
That comes, most probably, from a childhood where your mother didn't give you the love you needed (or not enough love as you demanded).

Those shadows are the parts of you that don't allow you to be happy. To be complete. To feel you are not alone.

So, before going super mystic it is a necessity doing your own shadow work.

miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

Follow the signs

... or they will come back stronger

All my life I heard about "signs". Universe talks to us, if we want a life full of joy and happiness, we must follow those signs.

At the age of 17th I used to have pretty "lucky coin" that I used to flip each time I had to take a decision. It was my way of "following the signs". Though, many times the sign was against my instinct and so the decision. Some bad things started to happen and a while before I got rid of that coin.

That was my last contact with the signs till a few weeks ago.

Approximately a month ago I started hearing about the book MANY LIVES MANY MASTERS in some random chats with random friends with no connection at all between them. Although I red the book when I was a teenager, decided to give it another chance. Now I understood so many things that I was not able to realize the first time I read it. Signs, among other things.

Maybe my mind was going round in circles around the book: cycles to close, toxic relationships from past lives...The thing is I dreamed with a girl from secondary school with which I had a real toxic relation (top level psychological bullying during many years). In my dream she chase me for eternity, and as much as I try to confront her (which I never did in real life), stop her, set up tramps, or even kill her, she keeps chasing me impeding my rest forever.

Woke up from that dream a bit afraid and, just at the time I was getting asleep again, I sensed my granny, who left us many years ago, kissing my forehead and saying "follow the signs and everything will be OK".

Next day I was certain about I must forgive her. Forgive her because how she treated me and forgive myself for allowing that situation. But not just forgive: BEING GRATEFUL.

Just in case the message was not absolutely clear, Universe sent me another signal: That same day, Netflix recommended me the CATFIGHT movie: Two former girl schoolmates with a toxic relationship on school time that get reunited many years after and, being unable to forgive and let go, they get in a fight with each other and ended with both of them in a 2 years coma. When they both finally wake up they find their family is dead or has abandoned them.

I had goosebumps for hours: Universe is not only showing me sings or synchronicities, Universe was WARNING me, I signed onto a search of forgiveness and gratitude that is leading me by a rout I would have never believe before.