jueves, 13 de junio de 2019

Shadow Work Series

So, realizing how many lost people there are, thinking the reason of all of their problems is because they are HSP, or empaths, not because childhood leaves a mark in everyone of us, I decided to prepare a shadow work series:

First of all:
I am not a psychologist, I am only sharing my healing path with you, because I know it helped me SO MUCH and I feel some of you can resonate with this kind of situations.
What we are calling “shadow work” is based in Carl Jung’s work (the father of the modern psychology) about the integration of the subconscious mind.

“Shadow work is the path of the Heart Warrior” – Carl Jung
You know when something triggers some dark part of you, and you over-react, so no one understands you, or everyone says you are being dramatic? When you cannot stand yourself and you only want to go sleep.

That is what happens when your shadows take the lead:

Shadows are the parts of your personality that you rejected during your life (mostly your childhood) and banished to your subconscious. Those parts emerge out of control when something triggers them and take the lead of your behavior.

Like when you are an adult, constantly seeking for love, having toxic relationships, or wining to someone because you need him/her to be more affectionate or love-expressing.
That comes, most probably, from a childhood where your parents didn't give you the love you needed (or not enough love as you demanded).

Those shadows, those traits of your personality that you banned from you, are the hidden parts of you that don't allow you to be happy. To be complete. To feel you are not alone. Why? Because you are rejecting a part of you, you are not loving yourself, but the idea of yourself.

So, before going super mystic it is a necessity doing your own shadow work.

It will be tough, cannot fool you. You must look at your true self at the mirror without any filters. You must acknowledge, accept and integrate into you something that you have suppressed into your subconscious mind, because you have rejected it, or disowned it, or denied, mostly, due to being loved, or survive.

I am sharing some YouTube links and some knowledge with you that helped me to start my shadow work. At this point I almost healed one of my traumas. It is a constant work, but you will see results quite quickly, and, gosh, only healing one of your wounds, you will see a huge difference, promised.

Part 1 - Understand shadow work
Part 2 - Awareness (know yourself)
Part 3 - Heal yourself

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